Chief Philosophy Officer Blog
The CPO blog is part of the Chief Philosophy Officer (CPO) project of the Institut für Wirtschaftsgestaltung, Berlin. Sören E. Schuster interviewed experts at the intersection of philosophy and business to explore the possibilities and preconditions of the CPO. Around the role of the CPO, conversations unfolded on the general relationship between business and philosophy, as well as academia and economic practice. Read more about the development of the project and the Institut für Wirtschaftsgestaltung in our first blog post. The conversations, of which highlights are presented on the blog, are included in full length in our open access e-book. You can download the e-book here.

Introduction: Chief Philosophy Officer
Sören E. Schuster is a doctoral candidate of philosophy at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and research associate at Institut für Wirtschaftsgestaltung. His research pursuits...

“Philosophers Have to Clarify”
Luc de Brabandere is a corporate philosopher. Fellow of the BCG Henderson Institute and cofounder of Cartoonbase, he splits his time between the worlds of academia and business. His work is...

„Sagen, was ist“
Nika Wiedinger, M.A. phil., war nach dem Studium der Philosophie, Theater- und Literaturwissenschaft in verschiedenen Positionen und Projekten im Kunst- und Kultursektor engagiert. Seit 2001 ist sie Mitarbeiterin im Institut...

Understanding “What People are Doing Behind Their Backs”
Charles Spinosa: For the last 27 years, I have been a management consultant specializing in leadership, culture change, customer proposition innovation, and building trust. I help leaders turn their organizational cultures...

“Freie Köpfe braucht ein Unternehmen”
Wolf Dieter Enkelmann, Dr. phil., war Direktor des Instituts für Wirtschaftsgestaltung Berlin, das sich der wirtschaftsphilosophischen Forschung und Praxis widmet. Nach Jahren der Kulturarbeit (z.B. Dramaturgie und Regie am Burgtheater...

“A Philosopher Rather Disrupts the Enterprise”
Anil Sadhoeram grew up in Paramaribo, a small tropical town in South America. He studied Physics and Philosophy in the Netherlands and graduated from the faculty of Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society at the University of Twente where...

„Der könnte im wirklich aufklärerischen Sinne ein paar Luftballons zum Platzen bringen…“
Hans Rusinek forscht, berät und publiziert zum Wandel der Arbeitswelt. An der Universität St. Gallen forscht er zur Sinnfrage in Organisationen. Er erfüllt außerdem einen Lehrauftrag zu „Future of Work“ an...

“Ultimately, to Me, it Comes Down to Impact.”
Ryan Stelzer is an author, keynote speaker, and co-founder at Strategy of Mind, a Boston-based management consultancy specializing in organizational performance. Prior to consulting, Ryan served at The White House as a Presidential Management...

“Getting out of the Rigid Problem-Solving Way of Being”
“B” holds a PhD in Philosophy from Northwestern University, and has published recent scholarly research in European Journal of Philosophy, The Cambridge Heidegger Lexicon, and a volume on Teaching and Learning for Adult Skill Acquisition...